Our Core Values

The Spectroscopy@IKU ERA-Chair Project is ground in universal contemporary values, pursuing the human well-being, respecting human rights, diversity, inclusion and gender equality, as well as nature. It gives importance to the development and talents of individuals, in keeping the sense of social responsibility, and privileges environmentally friendly research.
The project follows strictly the contemporary ethics values and the best management practices, where transparency and accountability play a major role, with the objective of contributing to scientific development and innovation, as well as advanced human resources training, aiming at the regional, national and international progress.
All developed activities follow the principle of free circulation of knowledge and expertise, and data management will follow ´FAIR’ (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable) data management guidelines, aligning with ERA priorities.
The Spectroscopy@IKU ERA-Chair Project is aligned with the Gender Equality Plan of IKU (Click to view the Gender Equality Plan), and loyal to the general principles followed by its host institution.


Last Update Date: Tue, 03/04/2025 - 13:28