A team from Istanbul Kültür University’s Physical and Natural Sciences Advanced Research Center (IKU-SPECTRA), consisting of Vice Rector and IKU-SPECTRA Director Prof. Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız, ERA Chair Prof. Dr. Rui Fausto, TTO Director Cüneyt Genç, and Researcher Dr. Bahadır Bozkurt, visited…

We are proud to announce that two esteemed members of our Spectroscopy@IKU team will be playing pivotal roles at one of Europe’s most prestigious molecular spectroscopy events: European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (EUCMOS 2025).

The ERA-Chair project "Spectroscopy@IKU: Manipulating and Characterizing Molecular Architectures: from Isolated Molecules to Molecular Crystals," the first project in Türkiye funded by the European Research Agency (ERA) under the Horizon Europe Framework - Widening Participation and…

The ERA-Chair Spectroscopy@IKU Project, being implemented at Istanbul Kültür University (IKU), holds the distinction of being the first project in Türkiye to receive funding from the European Research Agency (ERA) under the Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (…