First On-Site Monitoring Visit by the EU Project Officer to the ERA-Chair Spectroscopy@IKU Project Successfully Conducted

February 5, 8:03 am

The ERA-Chair Spectroscopy@IKU Project, being implemented at Istanbul Kültür University (IKU), holds the distinction of being the first project in Türkiye to receive funding from the European Research Agency (ERA) under the Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (WIDERA) ERA-Chairs Programme within the Horizon Europe Framework. The project underwent the first on-site monitoring visit by the EU Project Offıcer Dr. Karina Firkaviciute on Feb 3.

During the visit, Prof. Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız, Project Coordinator and Vice-Rector of IKU, along with ERA Chair Prof. Dr. Rui Fausto and his team, provided detailed briefings on the progresses achieved so far regarding the implemenation of the project. The already achieved goals and the project’s implementation have collected the most favorable opinion of the EU Officer, who highlighted the fact that the Spectroscopy@IKU implementation can already be classified as an example of success.

As part of the monitoring process, the recently created “IKU-SPECTRA: Physical and Natural Sciences Advanced research Center”, established as IKU unit hosting the project, was also introduced to the EU officer. The advanced research laboratories for matrix isolation spectroscopy, advanced Raman spectroscopy and  imaging, infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopies, and diffraction techniques, attracted great interest.

During the monitoring, the first project outcomes were evaluated, and project’s planned activities to promote Türkiye's scientific research capacity and international visibility, scientific specialized publication plan, patenting, and university-industry collaborations were presented. 

This successful visit once again demonstrated the recognition by the European Union that IKU is strong committed to successfully develop international research projects and showcases the valuable contribution of the Spectroscopy@IKU Project to the Türkiye’s scientific ecosystem.

Last Update Date: Wed, 02/05/2025 - 11:06