March 3, 10:37 am

A team from Istanbul Kültür University’s Physical and Natural Sciences Advanced Research Center (IKU-SPECTRA), consisting of Vice Rector and IKU-SPECTRA Director Prof. Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız, ERA Chair Prof. Dr. Rui Fausto, TTO Director Cüneyt Genç, and Researcher Dr. Bahadır Bozkurt, visited Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM).

During the visit, SUNUM Director and TeamNANO Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Alpagut Kara provided an overview of the research and projects conducted at SUNUM. Additionally, SUNUM Researcher and TeamNANO Project Leader Dr. Javed Kolkar presented details about the "Teaming For Capacity Development And Synergies In Micro-Nanofabrication And Flexible Electronics For Widespread Impact - TeamNANO" project, which is funded under the HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-01 (Teaming for Excellence) call. TeamNANO, the highest-budget EU-funded project in Türkiye, officially started its activities on 01.11.2024.

Within the scope of the visit, IKU-SPECTRA Director and Spectroscopy@IKU Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız shared insights into the planned activities at the center, while Spectroscopy@IKU Research Team Leader and ERA Chair Prof. Dr. Rui Fausto provided information about the "Spectroscopy@IKU: Manipulating and Characterizing Molecular Architecture: from Isolated Molecules to Molecular Crystals" project, funded under the HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01 (ERA Chairs) call. Spectroscopy@IKU is the first EU-funded ERA-Chair project supported in Türkiye and officially commenced its activities on 01.01.2025.

As two centers hosting projects funded under the WIDERA program, SUNUM and IKU-SPECTRA explored potential collaborations in both ongoing EU projects and broader research activities. Discussions focused on the shared use of research infrastructures and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations among researchers. In this regard, IKU-SPECTRA Director Prof. Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız invited Prof. Dr. Alpagut Kara and the SUNUM team to visit IKU-SPECTRA.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Alpagut Kara and the SUNUM team for their hospitality during our visit.

Last Update Date: Mon, 03/03/2025 - 13:38