February 20, 2:34 pm

The ERA-Chair project "Spectroscopy@IKU: Manipulating and Characterizing Molecular Architectures: from Isolated Molecules to Molecular Crystals," the first project in Türkiye funded by the European Research Agency (ERA) under the Horizon Europe Framework - Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (WIDERA) ERA-CHAIRS Programme, is progressing at full speed, and we at Istanbul Kültür University are proud to continue our work on this groundbreaking project.

As part of our project, to strengthen scientific collaborations and contribute to the national R&D ecosystem, our Project Coordinator and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız and our ERA Chair Prof. Dr. Rui Fausto had a productive meeting with the Republic of Türkiye Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, Dr. Çetin Ali Dönmez.

Our project focuses on advanced research in physics and natural sciences, targeting critical scientific topics such as molecular spectroscopy, materials science, and polymorphism in molecular crystals.

During this important meeting, steps to enhance Turkey’s international scientific competitiveness, reverse brain drain and strengthen industry collaborations were discussed. Additionally, potential collaborations and future goals within the scope of the Teaming for Excellence project were evaluated.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Deputy Minister Dr. Çetin Ali Dönmez for this meaningful meeting and his valuable support.
We will continue our scientific research that shapes the future with unwavering dedication!

Last Update Date: Thu, 02/20/2025 - 17:36